项目: (1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:硼氮杂苊烯和硼氮杂荧蒽类功能分子的构筑与光物理性质研究(22071181), 2021.01 - 2024.12, 在研, 主持 (2) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:新型硼氮掺杂的芘类化合物的设计、合成及光物理性质研究(21502140),2016.01 - 2018.12,已结题,主持; (3) 天津市自然科学基金重点项目:硼氮掺杂多环共轭芳烃的合成及光物理性质研究(17JCZDJC37700),2017.04 - 2020.03,已结题,主持; (4) 天津市“海外高层次人才引进计划”(青年项目)科研启动经费,2015.09 - 2018.08,已结题,主持; (5) 天津理工大学“理工学者百人计划”科研经费,主持; (6) 学院有机功能分子合成与组装化学重点实验室:2015年度开放基金,主持; (7) 南开大学元素有机国家重点实验室:2021年度开放基金,主持; (8) 企业横向课题,2017 - 2018,主持; (9) 企业横向课题,2018 - 2020,主持。 论文: (12) Xiaoyang Xu, Mengjia Jin, Ruijun Jiang, Lei, Zhang, Xiaoming Wu, Xuguang Liu*. Concise synthesis of BN-dibenzo[f,k]tetraphenes with different BN substitution positions and direct comparison with their carbonaceous Analogue. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022, doi.org/10.1021/acs.joc.2c00278.
(11) Meiyan Liu, Mingkuan Cui, Lei Zhang, Yongkang Guo, Xiaoyang Xu, Wenlong Li, Yuanhao, Li, Bin Zhen, Xiaoming Wu*, Xuguang Liu*. The rapid construction of bis-BN dipyrrolyl[a,j]anthracenes and a direct comparison with a carbonaceous analogue. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2QO00083K. 
(10) Yongkang Guo, Lei Zhang, Chenglong Li, Mengjia Jin, Yanli Zhang, Jincheng Ye, Yu Chen, Xiaoming Wu, Xuguang Liu*. BN/BO-ullazines and bis-BO ullazines: effect of BO doping on aromaticity and optoelectronic properties. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, 86, 12507-12516. 
(9) Yanli Zhang, Chen Zhang, Yongkang Guo, Jincheng Ye, Bin Zhen, Yu Chen, Xuguang Liu*. Pyrrolic type N directed borylation route to BN-PAHs: tuning the photophysical properties by varying the conjugation shape and size. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, 86, 6322–6330. 
(8) Bingkang Liu, Yanli Zhang, Yu Chen, Xuguang Liu*, Lei Zhang*. Synthesis, characterization and photophysical properties of BN-[4]helicenes. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 40, 2879–2887. 
(7) Qian Zhang, Zhe Sun, Lei Zhang, Mengyuan Li, Lingjian Zi, Zongyu Liu, Bin Zhen, Wenfang Sun, Xuguang Liu*. Synthesis, structures, and properties of BN-dinaphthothiophenes: influence of B and N placement on photophysical properties and aromaticity. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 85, 7877–7883. 
(6) Lingjian Zi; Jinyun Zhang; Chenglong Li; Yi Qu; Bin Zhen; Xuguang Liu*; Lei Zhang*; Synthesis, properties, and reactivity of bis-BN phenanthrenes: stepwise bromination of the main scaffold, Organic Letters, 2020, 22, 1499-1503. 
(5) Chen Zhang; Lei Zhang; Chao Sun; Wenfang Sun; Xuguang Liu*; BN-phenathrenes: synthesis, reactivity and optical properties, Organic Letters, 2019, 21, 3476-3480.
(4) Jinyun Zhang; Fude Liu; Zhe Sun; Chenglong Li; Qian Zhang; Chen Zhang; Zhiqiang Liu; Xuguang Liu*; Synthesis, characterization and properties of aryl-fused bis-BN dihydropyrenes, Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 8178-8181. 
(3) Chenglong Li; Yuming Liu; Zhe Sun; Jinyun Zhang; Meiyan Liu; Chen Zhang; Qian Zhang; Hongjuan Wang; Xuguang Liu*; Synthesis, characterization and properties of bis-BN ullazines. Organic Letters, 2018, 20, 2806-2810. 
(2) Yanan Yan, Zhe Sun, Chenglong Li, Jinyun Zhang, Lei Lv, Xuguang Liu* and Xiujie Liu,* Thiophene-fused 1,4-thiaborins: synthesis, structures and properties. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017, 6, 496-502. 
(1) Xuguang Liu; Yuanzhe Zhang; Bo Li; Lev N. Zakharov; Monica Vasiliu; David A. Dixon*; Shih-Yuan Liu*; A modular synthetic approach to monocyclic 1,4-azaborines, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016, 55, 8333-8337.
专利: Shih-Yuan Liu, Xuguang Liu; “Synthesis of monocyclic N-pyridyl-1,4-azaborine and their Pt-coordination complexes,” US patent filled on 10/2013. 刘旭光,张进云。一类硼氮杂芳香化合物及其合成方法及应用(ZL 2017 1 0747408.9) 荣誉: 1、 2016年入选天津理工大学“理工学者百人计划” 2、 2016年度天津理工大学青年教职工竞赛工科组三等奖 3、 2017年度天津理工大学青年教职工竞赛工科组优秀奖 4、 2019年度足球赌注软件优秀教师 5、 2021年度天津理工大学师德先进个人 |